(8/25/21) Shattered Church - Grace Groups / Bible Study
Church is where honesty should reign supreme. Sinners who live under the banner of grace should never find reasons to hide their shame and failures, and yet we do. The door remains locked with “No Trespassing” in neon flashing lights. The potential of being rejected or judged is a powerful fear. Safe and church are not two works often put in the same sentence unless you describe the church as “not a safe place.”
QUESTION: What has been your experience with vulnerability and church?
QUESTION: What scares you personally about being open about life’s struggles?
Most churches today want their attendees to feel safe. That is, safe from being offended or made to feel uncomfortable. Life tips from biblical characters guide the sermon series week after week. Self-improvement utilizing spiritual guides is probably the best way to describe the message coming from most pulpits. When real problems drop into the laps of Christians, tips and lists don’t seem to be the remedy.
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths (2Tim. 4:3).
Self-improvement is the desired scratch for today’s itching ears. The problem with this church model is that everyone is pretending to be getting better, but there is no real progress. Results? Those who suffer, suffer alone. Those trapped in sin are left to themselves to figure it out. Christianity is no longer a community centered on Christ. Still, individuals doing spiritual workouts at home and then showing up to a prep rally to find the motivation not to quit.
Paul commissions Timothy to preach the word, the word that centers us on Christ. When it’s popular, and when it is not. Why? Because Christ is our motivation for the forgiveness of sins. Christ is the motivation to love others. Christ is our hope when our minds and bodies fail us, and we lose hope. We need Christ preached to us every, as a gathered family of begging sinners.
QUESTION: Why do we naturally desire sermons to help us overcome our problems by ourselves?
1Cor. 12:26 If one member suffers, all suffer together;
QUESTION: How can Paul’s state become true about our church family?
Gal 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.
If we are not willing to share our burdens, they cannot be carried. The gospel is the good news that sets us free from the “I can do this” to “I can’t do this alone” attitude. Christ has accomplished all the work on our behalf. There is nothing left. We live each day trusting in the work Christ did for us. Our job is not to be perfect but to trust in the one who was and is perfect. In our weakness, we hold on to others and point them to Christ when they are weak.
We carry the burdens they can’t carry alone. But to do that, we must first be convinced Christ is enough to satisfy all of God’s demands for my life. Secondly, we must be willing to admit to each other. We have not the power to do this in our strength.
QUESTION: How can we help each other admit when we are struggling?
QUESTION: What are some of the reasons people are scared to share their sins and struggles for others to carry?
Praise, Prayer and Confession:
• What can you offer to the Father in praise?
• What is a sin you need to confess?
• What is a burden we can carry?
• What can we take to our Father in prayer?