Grace Reformed Network Conference

 Grace Groups

Intimate, Christ-centered community gatherings
Our Grace Groups are small gatherings met in homes of our members. We discuss what we believe as outlined in our confession and why it is important that we understand these doctrines according to scripture.

While our gatherings may involve discussion of theological concepts, they are not formal lectures or traditional bible studies. The primary goal is for mutual edification and caring for one another as commanded in scripture.

Types of Grace Groups

Women's Grace Groups

Where we minister the message of God’s grace to our women, protect them from the weight of performance that pervades their responsibility, create a community of care, provide an environment of fellowship, and demonstrate the Bible’s application to their particular roles.

Men's Grace Groups

Where we minister the message of God’s grace to our men, encourage an acceptance of their responsibilities, create a community of accountability, provide an environment of fellowship, and demonstrate the Bible’s application to their particular roles.

Combined Grace Group

Where we minister the message of God’s grace to men and women alike, create a community of accountability, provide an environment of fellowship, and demonstrate the Bible’s application to their particular roles.

Here's what you can anticipate during our time together:

Each month we discuss a different topic or doctrine as it relates to scripture.

We praise God for his kindness and mercy to us. We share answered prayers and ways that we have been encouraged throughout the week.

Confession of Sin
Our gatherings include a time of confessing our sins and recognizing our need for God's grace.

Burden Bearing
We share burdens with one another and consider how we can help carry the burdens of others in times of trials and suffering.

We take time to go to our Father in prayer. We pray for each other, lifting up needs, praises, and requests.

Interested in Joining a Grace Group?

If you are interested in joining one of our Grace Groups, please take a moment to click the link and we will be in touch with you about available group options.

We look forward to having you and pray that you will be encouraged and strengthened through a Grace Group!