Grace Reformed Network Conference

GRC Elder In Training Program

 Updated 2024

Step One: Every year the congregation will have the opportunity to submit names of current men who they observe are demonstrating the qualifications of an elder.
Requirements for nomination:
1. Must be a male
2. Member of GRC for at least one full year
3. Meet the biblical requirements stated in our by-laws

Step Two: The elders will interview nominees to confirm their interest in the training program and biblical qualifications. Those who fit both criteria will then be presented to the congregation to be voted upon. The vote is to admit these men into the training program rather than as elders.

Step Three: Those affirmed by the congregational vote will enter our two – three year training program.
  • Year one:
    • 1st-year 10-month leadership development program
      • taught by the current elders
    • May attend the first portion of the monthly elder meetings 
    • Participate in the leading of the Sunday service
      • Welcome, reading of scripture, prayer, etc.
  • Year Two:
    • The elders will evaluate each candidate and determine if they should continue into the second year of training. There may be various reasons as to why a candidate may not continue. This will be disclosed to the church if a candidate is removed from the program after the first year.
    • 2nd-year 10-month leadership development program
      • Taught by the senior pastor
    • Attend full monthly elder meetings
    • Participate in the leading of the Sunday service
      • Welcome, reading of scripture, prayer, etc.
      • Communion
      • Teaching/preaching opportunities

Step Four: After the second year, the elders will determine if the candidate is ready or could benefit from one more year of training before presenting them to the congregation for a vote.

Final Process:
  1. Candidates, whom the elders deem are ready, will first go through an interview process with their wives to make sure the family is prepared to enter the ministry.
  2. The candidate will then be presented to the congregation for a two-week observation period. If there are any concerns from the congregation, those concerns are to be brought to the elder’s attention, at this time, so they can address them.
  3. After two weeks, at a congregational meeting, the elders will present the candidates who have met all of the previous qualifications to be voted on.
  4. If the candidate receives the congregation's vote, the candidate will immediately begin servicing as an elder.

Note: If the elder does not have the necessary votes, the elders will meet with the congregation to determine why he was not accepted. The two weeks before the vote should be where this is handled normally to prevent there from being a negative vote.